Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013
Senin, 21 Oktober 2013
Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013
Etika Profesi Akuntansi
Yasinta N.W.(28210604)
291.105 Kepentingan keuangan dapat dilakukan
melalui perantara (misalnya, kendaraan investasi kolektif, nyata atau terlihat).
Penentuan apakah kepentingan keuangan tersebut langsung atau tidak langsung
akan tergantung pada apakah pihak penerima memiliki kontrol atas kendaraan
investasi atau kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi keputusan investasinya. Ketika
kontrol atas kendaraan investasi atau kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi keputusan
investasi yang ada, Pedoman ini mendefinisikan bahwa kepentingan keuangan
menjadi kepentingan keuangan secara langsung. Sebaliknya, ketika pemilik
manfaat dari kepentingan keuangan tidak memiliki kontrol atas kendaraan
investasi atau kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi keputusan investasi, kode ini
mendefinisikan bahwa kepentingan keuangan menjadi kepentingan finansial
291.106 Jika seorang anggota tim assurance,
seorang anggota keluarga dekat yang individu, atau perusahaan memiliki
kepentingan keuangan langsung atau bahan kepentingan keuangan langsung dalam
klien assurance, ancaman kepentingan pribadi yang diciptakan akan begitu
signifikan bahwa tidak ada perlindungan yang dapat mengurangi ancaman ke tingkat
yang dapat diterima. Oleh karena itu, seorang anggota harus memiliki
kepentingan finansial langsung atau bahan kepentingan keuangan langsung di
klien: seorang anggota tim assurance, anggota dari anggota keluarga dekat yang
individu, atau perusahaan.
291.107 Ketika seorang anggota tim assurance
memiliki anggota keluarga dekat yang anggota tim assurance tahu memiliki
kepentingan keuangan langsung atau bahan kepentingan keuangan langsung dalam
klien assurance, ancaman kepentingan pribadi dibuat. Arti penting dari ancaman
akan tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti:
Sifat hubungan antara anggota tim
assurance dan anggota keluarga dekat, dan
Materialitas kepentingan keuangan kepada
anggota keluarga dekat.
Arti penting dari ancaman harus
dievaluasi dan perlindungan diterapkan bila diperlukan untuk menghilangkan
ancaman tersebut atau menguranginya ke tingkat yang dapat diterima. Contoh
pengamanan tersebut meliputi:
Para anggota keluarga dekat membuang,
sesegera mungkin, dari semua kepentingan keuangan atau membuang porsi yang
cukup dari kepentingan finansial langsung sehingga kepentingan yang tersisa
tidak lagi material;
Setelah seorang akuntan profesional
meninjau pekerjaan anggota tim assurance, atau
Menghapus anggota individu dari tim
291.108 Jika seorang anggota tim assurance,
seorang anggota keluarga dekat yang individu, atau perusahaan memiliki
kepentingan keuangan langsung langsung maupun materi dalam suatu entitas yang
memiliki saham mayoritas dalam klien assurance, dan klien adalah material
terhadap entitas, ancaman kepentingan pribadi yang diciptakan akan begitu
signifikan bahwa tidak ada perlindungan yang dapat mengurangi ancaman ke
tingkat yang dapat diterima. Oleh karena itu harus memiliki sebuah kepentingan
keuangan: anggota tim asuransi, seorang anggota keluarga dekat yang individu,
dan perusahaan.
291.109 Penyelenggaraan oleh perusahaan atau
anggota tim assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat yang individu, dari
kepentingan keuangan secara langsung atau bahan kepentingan keuangan langsung
dalam klien assurance sebagai wali menciptakan ancaman kepentingan pribadi.
Seperti bunga yang tidak bertanggung kecuali:
Baik wali amanat, atau anggota keluarga
dekat dari wali amanat, atau perusahaan adalah penerima manfaat dari kepercayaan,
Kepentingan dalam klien assurance yang
dimiliki oleh kepercayaan tersebut tidak material terhadap kepercayaan,
Kepercayaan tidak mempunyai pengaruh
signifikan atas klien assurance, dan
Wali amanat, seorang anggota keluarga terdekat
dari wali amanat, atau perusahaan dapat tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
keputusan investasi yang melibatkan kepentingan keuangan dalam klien assurance.
291.110 Anggota tim assurance harus
menentukan apakah ancaman kepentingan pribadi yang dibuat oleh kepentingan keuangan
yang dikenal dalam klien assurance yang dimiliki oleh individu lain, termasuk:
Mitra dan karyawan profesional
perusahaan, selain yang disebutkan di atas, atau anggota keluarga dekat dengan
anggota tim assurance, dan
Individu dengan hubungan pribadi yang dekat
dengan anggota dari tim assurance.
Apakah kepentingan-kepentingan
ini menimbulkan ancaman kepentingan pribadi akan tergantung pada faktor-faktor
organisasi, operasi dan pelaporan
Struktur perusahaan, dan
Sifat dari hubungan antara individu dan
anggota tim assurance.
Pentingnya ancaman harus
dievaluasi dan perlindungan diterapkan bila diperlukan untuk menghilangkan
ancaman tersebut atau menguranginya ke tingkat yang dapat diterima. Contoh
pengamanan tersebut meliputi:
Melepaskan anggota tim assurance dengan
hubungan pribadi dari tim assurance;
Tidak termasuk anggota tim assurance dari
setiap signifikan pengambilan keputusan mengenai keterlibatan jaminan, atau
Memiliki review akuntan profesional kerja
anggota Tim jaminan.
291.111 Jika suatu perusahaan, anggota dari
tim assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat dari individu, menerima kepentingan
keuangan secara langsung atau bahan kepentingan keuangan langsung dalam klien
assurance, misalnya, dengan cara warisan, hadiah atau sebagai hasilnya merger,
dan bunga tersebut tidak akan diizinkan untuk diselenggarakan di bawah bagian
ini, maka:
Jika bunga tersebut diterima oleh
perusahaan, kepentingan keuangan harus dibuang segera, atau jumlah yang cukup
kepentingan keuangan langsung harus dibuang sehingga bunga yang tersisa ada
bahan lagi, atau
Jika bunga diterima oleh anggota tim
assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat yang individu, individu yang menerima
kepentingan keuangan harus segera membuang kepentingan keuangan, atau membuang
jumlah yang cukup kepentingan keuangan langsung sehingga tersisa bunga tidak
lagi material.
291.112 Ketika pelanggaran sengaja, bagian
ini yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan keuangan dalam klien assurance yang terjadi,
dipandang tidak membahayakan independensi jika:
Perusahaan telah menetapkan kebijakan
dan prosedur yang mengharuskan pemberitahuan prompt untuk perusahaan dari
setiap pelanggaran yang dihasilkan dari pembelian, warisan atau lainnya
akuisisi kepentingan keuangan dalam klien assurance;
tindakan yang diambil dalam ayat 291,111 (a) -
(b) diambil sebagai berlaku, dan
perusahaan menerapkan perlindungan lainnya
bila diperlukan untuk mengurangi ancaman yang tersisa pada tingkat yang
memadai. Contoh pengamanan tersebut meliputi:
Memiliki seorang akuntan profesional
meninjau pekerjaan anggota tim assurance, atau
Tidak termasuk individu dari setiap signifikan
pengambilan keputusan mengenai keterlibatan jaminan.
Perusahaan harus menentukan
apakah akan membahas masalah ini dengan pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas tata
291.113 Sebuah pinjaman, atau jaminan
pinjaman, kepada anggota tim assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat yang
individu atau perusahaan dari klien assurance yang merupakan bank atau lembaga
sejenis, dapat menciptakan ancaman terhadap kemerdekaan. Jika pinjaman atau
jaminan tidak dibuat berdasarkan prosedur pemberian kredit normal, syarat dan
kondisi, ancaman kepentingan pribadi akan dibuat yang akan begitu signifikan
bahwa tidak ada perlindungan dapat mengurangi ancaman terhadap tingkat yang
dapat diterima. Oleh karena itu, bukan merupakan anggota tim assurance, seorang
anggota keluarga dekat yang individu, atau perusahaan akan menerima pinjaman
atau jaminan tersebut.
291.114 Jika pinjaman ke perusahaan dari
klien assurance yang merupakan bank atau lembaga sejenis dibuat di bawah
prosedur pemberian kredit normal, persyaratan dan kondisi dan itu adalah
material terhadap klien assurance atau perusahaan yang menerima pinjaman,
dimungkinkan untuk menerapkan perlindungan untuk mengurangi ancaman kepentingan
pribadi pada tingkat yang memadai. Sebuah contoh dari upaya perlindungan
tersebut adalah memiliki pekerjaan terakhir oleh akuntan profesional dari
sebuah perusahaan jaringan yang tidak terlibat dengan keterlibatan jaminan atau
menerima pinjaman.
291.115 Sebuah pinjaman, atau jaminan
pinjaman, dari klien assurance yang merupakan bank atau lembaga sejenis dengan
anggota dari tim assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat yang individu, tidak
menciptakan ancaman bagi kemerdekaan jika pinjaman atau jaminan dibuat di bawah
prosedur pemberian kredit normal, syarat dan kondisi. Contoh pinjaman tersebut
termasuk kredit rumah, cerukan, kredit mobil dan saldo kartu kredit.
291.116 Jika perusahaan atau anggota tim
assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat yang menerima pinjaman dari atau memiliki
pinjaman yang dijamin oleh klien assurance yang bukan merupakan bank atau
lembaga sejenis, ancaman kepentingan pribadi yang diciptakan akan sangat
penting bahwa ada perlindungan yang dapat mengurangi ancaman ke tingkat yang
dapat diterima, kecuali pinjaman atau jaminan tidak material untuk kedua
perusahaan, atau anggota tim assurance dan anggota keluarga dekat, dan klien.
291.117 Demikian pula, jika perusahaan atau
anggota tim assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat yang membuat atau menjamin
pinjaman kepada klien assurance, ancaman kepentingan pribadi yang diciptakan
akan begitu signifikan bahwa tidak ada perlindungan yang dapat mengurangi
ancaman ke tingkat yang dapat diterima, kecuali pinjaman atau jaminan tidak
material untuk kedua perusahaan, atau anggota tim assurance dan anggota
keluarga dekat, dan klien.
291.118 Jika suatu perusahaan atau anggota
dari tim assurance, atau anggota keluarga dekat yang individu, memiliki deposito
atau rekening broker dengan klien assurance yang merupakan bank broker, atau
lembaga sejenis, ancaman terhadap independensi tidak dibuat jika deposito atau
rekening diadakan dengan persyaratan komersial yang normal.
Selasa, 04 Juni 2013
Tulisan Bahasa Inggris 1-10
Problematika of National Exam
Regarding the issue of National Exam for both male and female
students in the elementary level to high school level or equivalent is very
important, because with the holding of the National Examination in determining
the seriousness of the formal learning process. National test scores are very
influential to later get into desired school or university. But many of the problems
encountered concerning Naional Exam, including a lot of cheating by certain
parties and to address the implementation of a national examination I think it
is important that the UN is not important.
In terms of the importance of the UN to measure the ability
of students to think in terms of knowledge acquired during their study and if
not critical in terms of the many different cons that arise in the assessment
of the learning process due to UN yng pursued for several years just determined
3-5 day
by the UN. Many school students are
disappointed and many school students are delighted with this national exam.
Lack of seriousness and keelektabilitasan of the managers of national exams cause messy disadvantage in education and especially for the school students who follow or are implementing national exam. As well as on the national exams this year so a lot of shortcomings and problems experienced of all parties concerned, namely the lack of a booklet and answer sheet, the distribution of which is not timely, the answer sheets are ugly, and so on. Until there is a national examination results were announced the students of the school who do not pass all, so in pity at all.
Recipes and How to Make Cheese Brownies Steamed Pandan
3 egg yolks
2 egg whites
65 grams of sugar
4 grams of cake emulsifier (Tbm, sp, Ovalet)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder
75 grams of cake flour (eg Blue Triangle)
10 grams of full cream milk powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
30 grams of butter
30 grams of margarine
40 grams of white chocolate blocks
40 grams of cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon pandan paste
Ready-made buttercream
20 grams of grated cheddar cheese for topping.
How to make:
Prepare a loaf pan, spread with butter and sprinkle with flour until the surface is covered evenly. Set aside.
Sift flour, baking powder, full cream milk powder and vanilla powder. Set aside.
Melt the butter, margarine, cream cheese, white chocolate and pasta pandan block by team. Stir until well blended and the liquid. Allow to cool.
In mixer bowl, beat eggs, sugar and ovalet until fluffy and white. Turn off the mixer, insert the flour, stir gently until well blended, add the melted butter into it little by little, stirring until blended. Pour into the pan.
Heat a saucepan steamer, fill the pan contains dough into it, cover the surface with a clean cloth steamer new cover with steamer lid. Steam for 40 minutes until cooked cake. Do not open the lid during the steaming boiler.
Remove the cake from the steamer, let cool for 5 minutes then remove from pan. Let the cake cool completely before we give the buttercream on top.
Place the cake on a flat spot, using a spatula spread the surface of the cake with buttercream until completely covered. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
Source : Book musical culture 2011 and my description
Lack of seriousness and keelektabilitasan of the managers of national exams cause messy disadvantage in education and especially for the school students who follow or are implementing national exam. As well as on the national exams this year so a lot of shortcomings and problems experienced of all parties concerned, namely the lack of a booklet and answer sheet, the distribution of which is not timely, the answer sheets are ugly, and so on. Until there is a national examination results were announced the students of the school who do not pass all, so in pity at all.
Resep Brownies Kukus Keju
Recipes and How to Make Cheese Brownies Steamed Pandan
3 egg yolks
2 egg whites
65 grams of sugar
4 grams of cake emulsifier (Tbm, sp, Ovalet)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder
75 grams of cake flour (eg Blue Triangle)
10 grams of full cream milk powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
30 grams of butter
30 grams of margarine
40 grams of white chocolate blocks
40 grams of cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon pandan paste
Ready-made buttercream
20 grams of grated cheddar cheese for topping.
How to make:
Prepare a loaf pan, spread with butter and sprinkle with flour until the surface is covered evenly. Set aside.
Sift flour, baking powder, full cream milk powder and vanilla powder. Set aside.
Melt the butter, margarine, cream cheese, white chocolate and pasta pandan block by team. Stir until well blended and the liquid. Allow to cool.
In mixer bowl, beat eggs, sugar and ovalet until fluffy and white. Turn off the mixer, insert the flour, stir gently until well blended, add the melted butter into it little by little, stirring until blended. Pour into the pan.
Heat a saucepan steamer, fill the pan contains dough into it, cover the surface with a clean cloth steamer new cover with steamer lid. Steam for 40 minutes until cooked cake. Do not open the lid during the steaming boiler.
Remove the cake from the steamer, let cool for 5 minutes then remove from pan. Let the cake cool completely before we give the buttercream on top.
Place the cake on a flat spot, using a spatula spread the surface of the cake with buttercream until completely covered. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
Description of Bali
Bali Island is a small beautiful island and a part of
Indonesia archipelago. It own the panorama and unique culture that make
this island is exclusively than others. It is located in the tropical
situation that has stated this island as Dream Island for a vacation. Bali Island has many kinds of places to visit like rice paddies, beautiful panorama,
volcanoes soaring up through the clouds, tourism activities and
attractions, dense tropical jungle, long sandy beaches, warm blue water,
crashing surf and friendly people who don't just have a culture but
actually live here, daily community ritual and a lot of things make your
holiday unforgettable. In Bali, the spirits is coming out to play in
the moonlight, every night is a festival and even a funeral is an
opportunity to have a good time and the day you will get the enjoy of
the sea breeze from the blue sea water which completing your dream
holiday. Bali is an Island of God in Paradise
that is perfect destination for your holiday, enjoy the paradise with
your family and collages and meet Bali will offer something for
everyone. This tropical paradise has a unique blend of modern tourist
facilities combined with wonderful shopping and a rich past and
heritage. The Balinese people are proud of having preserved their unique Hindu culture
against the advance of Islam, the dominant religion throughout
Indonesia. This is still reflected in day-to-day life and can be seen in
the numerous ceremonies, Balinese festivals and magnificent temples and
palaces. Some of the best surfing beaches in the world can be found on
the western side of the island whilst conversely the eastern side is a
wonderful haven for families, with beautiful white sand beaches and
gentle seas.
History Angklung
Angklung is a musical instrument made out of two bamboo tubes are plugged on a frame that is also made of bamboo. The tubes are sharpened so as to produce tones that resonate when struck. Two tubes are then tuned to follow octave scales. To
play it, the bottom of the frame is held by one hand while the other
quickly shake the angklung from the left to right and vice versa. This will result in a repetitive tone. Thus, it takes as many as three or more angklung players in the ensemble, to produce a complete melody.Angklung
has been popular throughout Southeast Asia, but actually originated
from Indonesia and has been played by the ethnic Sundanese in West Java
since ancient times. The word "angklung" comes from two words "number" and "lung". Numbers mean "tone", and lung means "broken" or "lost". Angklung thus means "disconnected tone".In
the Hindu period and the Kingdom of Sunda, West Java, angklung plays an
important role in some ritual ceremonies Sundanese people in everyday
life. As
intermediaries in rituals, angklung is played to honor Dewi Sri, the
goddess of fertility, with the expectation that the country and their
lives can be blessed. At
a later date, according to Song of Sunda, this instrument is also used
by the Sundanese kingdom for encouragement in combat situations in Bubat
War.The oldest angklung still exist until now is Angklung gubrag. Angklung is made in the 17th century in Jasinga, Bogor. At this time, some of the angklung still stored in ancient Sri Baduga Museum, London.Over time, angklung has attracted a lot of attention in the international world. In
1938, Daeng Soetigna, from Bandung, created angklung that is based on
diatonic scales, instead of using traditional scales or salendro pelog. Since
then, angklung used for educational and entertainment purposes, and
even can also be played along with western musical instruments in the
orchestra. One of the performances of angklung in an orchestra is very well known in the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955. Udjo
Ngalagena, a student of Daeng Soetigna, then open the "Saung Angklung"
(House of Angklung) in 1966 as a center for the development of angklung.UNESCO set angklung as work and the Intangible Cultural Heritage World on November 18, 2010. In addition, with very kepadaIndonesia UNESCO recommends to always maintain and preserve the work and its cultural heritage.Source : Book musical culture 2011 and my description
Netherland and Windmill
The Netherlands is not only famous for tulips but also a windmill. The windmill is a fascinating cultural heritage of other nations to become as iconic Dutch windmill. Indonesian people are very familiar with the iconic Dutch windmills. Because, a leading bakery in Indonesia using the country name with iconic windmill on top of the building his shop. Find a windmill in his home country the Netherlands is not really difficult. Because
a typical building windmills in the Netherlands since hundreds of years
ago is still widely spread throughout the Netherlands.Windmills
in the Netherlands in the early existence around the 13th century
served to push the water into the sea in order to form a new, more
extensive land (polders). This is because the location of the majority of the Dutch plains is below sea level. With the development of technology, around the 17th century windmill is used also as an aid in agriculture and industry. Such as the manufacture of paper, wood polish, remove the oil from the seeds, and grind corn. Windmills few centuries ago there were about 10,000 windmills angina. Now, roughly 1,000 windmills. Most existing windmills still functioning well as a tourist attraction that is very interesting. Everyone who has ever been to the Netherlands can certainly be looking windmill. Most of the windmills are scattered throughout the Netherlands now only stand-alone (one building) in a regional location.While that is a collection of windmills, is in two places and has become the most popular tourist attraction in the Netherlands. This
place is a tourist area that is preserved or protected Zaanse Schans in
the province of Noord-Holland (North Holland Province) and Kinderdijk
in the province of South Holland (South Holland Province).Collection
of windmills in Zaanse Schans tourist area apparently not widely known
Indonesian citizens who visited the Netherlands. Though located just 30 minutes away by car, bus or train from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport or 15 minutes from Amsterdam Centrum.Indonesian
people rarely talk about the beauty of a tourist attraction, especially
in view of Zaanse Schans windmills located lining the river banks and
in the middle of a large expanse of green agricultural areas as well as
traditional Dutch houses.Visit
Zaanse Schans tourist area should not be missed when visiting the
Netherlands because of its location not far from Amsterdam, especially
when the air is not cold especially in the summer.Zaanse
Schans visited tourist area that is preserved in addition to increasing
knowledge about the function of windmills will also get to know and
enjoy the beauty of the present century the Dutch way of life 17-18,
also known as the Open Air Museum.Travelers can enjoy a short walk along the banks of the River Zaan, visit the many attractions in the area. It
could also travel up the boat down the river (rondvaart) is a very
valuable experience that only exist in this country windmill.Zaanse
Schans tourist area is located within the area that the capital
Zaanstad, Zaandam and famous as well as the first industrial city in
Europe. Zaanse Schan tourist area is adjacent to the city of Zaandam Zaandijk.Arriving
in Zaandijk after using transporatasi train stopped at the station Koog
aan de Zaan River Zaan will look great and many windmills with a
variety of shapes and sizes big or small.Then we will breathe in the smell of chocolate is very sharp from a chocolate factory which also hundreds of years old. Before
arriving in the tourist area of Zaanse Schans will pass through
mostly residential homes are still ancient berasitektur (Oud Zaandijk).Then cross the bridge which is very modern. One part of the bridge will be lifted up when the large ships that will pass under the bridge. Entering the tourist area of Zaanse Schans is free of charge.Direct
travelers will look traditional Dutch wooden houses are hundreds of
years old (Zaanse Huisjes) with unique architecture typical Dutch wooden
houses most of the walls are green and are characteristic of the homes
in the area Zaandstad.On
the outskirts of the River Zaan in a tourist area, there are a
collection of preserved windmill shaped variegated and every windmill
that have their respective functions.Here can be seen how the windmills work well for both dry land and agricultural and industrial purposes. Along the River Zaan there are thousands of former windmill.Now
in the Zaanse Schans windmills are staying 6 De Huisman (food
manufacture mustard sauce), De Kat (the manufacture of paints),
Gekroonde Poelenburg & De Jonge Schaap (sawmills), De Zoeker &
De Bonte Hen (oil production).Plus 2 small windmill is De Windhond (sharpening stone) and De Hadel (drain water). These windmills in winter only opened to the public on weekends only or by appointment unless Jonge Schaap is open every day.To get into the windmill and see the activity in the windmill will be charged. Surely there's more windmills outside the tourist area numbering tens conserved in the Zaanstad region.In
tourist areas there are several museums that present the life of the
past century Dutch 17-18 in particular in the area of North Holland. Zaans Museum holds a collection of artifacts and paintings about the life Dutch people hundreds of years ago.Meseum
smaller in this region associated with renowned companies which
originally stood in Zaandam, such as Verkade Paviljoen (food producers
chocolate and cake).There is also a museum of the oldest and the biggest supermarket in the Netherlands today is Alberthijn that stood in 1887. Then
there Het Nederlandse Uurwerk (museum hours), Bakkerij museum in de
Gecroonde Duyvekater (museum of making bread and cakes).Windmill Museum can also be seen but it is located in Koog aan de Zaan when walking into Zaandijk.What
is interesting in the tourist area of Zaanse Schans to see other
products that traditional Dutch cheese making factory as well as shops
selling cheese (Catherine De Hoeve) and a factory making wooden shoes or
clogs klompen (the Wooden Shoe Workshop on the Zaanse Schans) which
does not charge admission.Klompen made a unique and funny shape. There are carved, klompen skates, and klompen laugh. There is also copper craft factory (The Coopery) and silver that have been around for hundreds of years anyway (The Tinkoepel). One
of the new attractions at the Zaanse Schans is a museum that shows
Beverage Distillation refining process 150 years ago, of course,
visitors can taste anyway.For
the convenience of tourists there are also souvenir shops (Vrede
Souvenirs & Gift, Souvenirs & Diamonds 'Saense Lelie'), antique
stores and unique (Het Jagershuis). Complementing convenience traveled in the region available to the restaurant interior and some typical Dutch food. Of
which provide traditional Dutch cake pannekoek (pancakes) measuring 29
cm in diameter that can be enjoyed at Restaurant De Kraai.Tourists visiting the region from around the world. They acknowledge the traditional windmill is a building that looks very unique so it looks stunning. They
also became more amazed because it turns out that windmills have
functions that are meaningful to the lives of the Dutch past and
present. Currently
windmill has become a tourist attraction which is very interesting if
we want to get to know along with other cultural heritage that is in
Zaanse Schans.
Crackers or snack crackers are made from tapioca flour batter mixed with flavoring ingredients such as shrimp or fish. Crackers made by steaming batter before thinly cut, dried in the sun and fried in cooking oil that much.
Textured crackers crisp and is often used as a complement to a variety of Indonesian food like fried rice and gado-gado.
Prawn crackers and fish crackers are the most common types of crackers found in Indonesia. Crackers priced aci like crackers or crackers mlarat just made from corn dough mixed with salt, food coloring, and MSG
Crackers are usually sold in a package that has not been fried. Fish cracker of species that are difficult to expand during frying are usually sold in the form of already fried.
Skin crackers or fish crackers that are difficult inflate need fried twice. Crackers should be fried first with low-temperature cooking oil before being transferred into the pan of hot cooking oil.
Skin crackers (crackers jangek) is crackers are not made of tapioca flour dough, but from cowhide or buffalo dried.
history of Crackers
It is said that the history of the chips taken from a true story about a poor family with many children. So to survive they are willing to eat rice with shredded (cassava shaved / shredded). Well,,,, start making shredded, the first cassava grated and then given water. after that, the grated cassava mixed water is squeezed and the juice is taken. then precipitated. The sediment then be dried and tapioca flour. then flour is processed into chips .
1920 discovered a phenomenon in which electrons are accelerated in a
column [electromagnetic], in a vacuum atmosphere (vacuum) character such
as light, with a wavelength of 100,000 times smaller than light. Subsequently
found also that the electric field and magnetic field can act as a lens
and a mirror as the glass lens in a light microscope.A scientist from the University of Berlin, Dr.. Ernst Ruska incorporate these findings and build a transmission electron microscope (TEM) are the first in 1931. For the results of this work, the world of science prizes bestowed the Nobel Prize in physics in 1986. Microscope
which was first created by using two lenses is the magnetic field, but
three years later he perfected his work by adding a third lens and
demonstrated its performance that produces resolution of up to 100
nanometers (nm) (two times better than a light microscope at that time).Transmission
microscope Eletron now have improved performance to be able to produce
up to 0.1 nm resolution (or 1 angstrom) or equal to the enlargement of
the up to one million times. Although many areas of science are growing rapidly with the aid of transmission electron microscopy.However,
due to the requirement that "the object of observation should be as
thin as possible" makes some researchers feel not satisfied, especially
with objects that can not necessarily dipertipis. Therefore, the development of new methods of electron microscopy continues to be done.Electron
microscope is a microscope that is capable of enlarging objects up to 2
million times, which uses electro-static and electro magnetic to
control the lighting and display images and objects have the capacity
enlargement and a far better resolution than light microscopy. The electron microscope uses a lot more energy and electromagnetic radiation that is shorter than the light microscope.Scanning
electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that takes
pictures by scanning the sample object with an electron beam in a raster
scan pattern of high energy. Electrons
interact with the atoms that make up the sample producing signals that
contain information about the sample surface topography, composition and
other properties such as electrical conductivity.
Source : Dictionary Chemical and my description
Suppose there are two pinternya same person, but that one has more EQ - then surely people who successfully got the EQIs it EQ, IQ seems less popular with the more familiar ears.The IQ Intelligence Quotient while EQ is Emotionel Quotient.The IQ is a measure of one's potential to think, learn, understand, remember and consider something.While EQ is the ability to use the existing potential in him.IQ and EQ is actually equally important to the success of a person, but EQ is more fighting in someone's success.According to Daniel Goleman author Emotionel Intelligence, success is only 20%, the remaining 80% it is the role of EQ.According to Goleman despite high IQ is intelligent, react quickly and accurately, but if he could not control his emotion - aggressive - destructive and arrogant, then on the way into his career he tripped many many problems and not preferred by the surrounding.Conversely, if though he's not too smart, but has a good personality - people will definitely appreciate and respect our environment, superiors and subordinates certainly love, trust will often be submitted in person with a good personality.Can someone hone EQ?Actually everyone has EQ, but the level varies.EQ can be changed and can be learned and developed, how:ONE: Self-Control.Get to know yourself, including emotional / no, if you type the "vigorous", there are times when you need to relax and stop zeal and give opportunity to others.TWO: Self Motivation.Become a driving force of motivation, without motivation will not be a change in your EQ.THREE: Able to Communicate.Develop the ability to communicate - this is sure to make you able to be understood by others - and this can make your fabric of social relations, with subordinates, peers, superiors can happen easily.FOUR: Be sensitive to other people.Hone your ability to adapt to the environment-so you can understand other people's emotions and conditions.Not simply impose its will so that you can certainly be well received.We too be able to see that each person is different and the difference was only natural.So EQ affects the social life - also increase a person's career, a good thing to promote yourself.Duty and trust will be given to people who could be trusted, and who is able to utilize its potential and acceptable in every environment.Caprib (Personal Note):Half of human life is wasted before he did kesalahan2 and from there he can take advantage of a mistake in doing and fix it.(Jan Taylor)
Source : Book Secret 100 and my description

Tucked in the area of Chestnut Ridge Park, New York, there is a small waterfall called the Eternal Flame Falls (or the Eternal Flame Falls).
This waterfall is called so because of the phenomenon that triggers the natural gas leak at the bottom of the falls. Fire is actually not really a "timeless" in the sense that it goes out every now and then if it is not turned on again.
When the fire dies, someone who visited the waterfall will turn it back. Chestnut Ridge Park has an area of approximately 1,213 hectares are used for hiking, biking, hiking, tennis courts, and picnic facilities and shelters.
Although it is located in the park, the waterfall away from the crowds, and can be directly accessed from the southern edge of the park. As you approach the falls, will smell the stench that menyegat directly in the nose.
Pleasant aroma that comes from the natural gas leak in the waterfall edge layer. This occurs because the gas produced during decomposition of organic matter in rock deposits are under pressure and pushed out through the cracks and loose layers in a stone structure.
One major gap is located right in the waterfall - in a small cave that is protected from water seepage and wind - allowing the fire continued to burn when ignited.
There are several other places around the gas leak waterfalls, one of which is located at the bottom of the pool - under the waterfall - which at first glance looks like the bubbles are rising from the bedrock beneath it.
Source : National Geographic and my description
Sickles can not be separated from people's daily lives Madura, East Java. Shaped curved blade which is so legendary. Since ancient times until now, almost everyone in the country knows the typical weapon of ethnic Madurese. Because of the popularity, sickles often identified with a variety of crimes. Even sickles are also used by the mob during the riots and demonstrations in the corners of the archipelago to frighten his opponent.
Perhaps, when I heard the word Madura, in the minds of most people would imagine a barren nature, face harsh and intimidating behavior. The impression seems to be true when it emerged that cases of violence using sickles with the main actors of the Madurese.
However not everyone knows the history and process of a sickle was made to known. In the place of origin, sickles at first just a sickle. Farmers also often use a sickle for cutting grass in the fields and make the fence. During its development, it was converted into a sickle martial tool used by ordinary people in the face of the enemy.
Similarly opinion of D. Zawawi Imron. Artists as well as cultural Madura said, the little people treat ordinary sharp sickles as weapons. In other words, it is not considered a weapon sickles magic.
Now, people are still looking at Madura sickles as weapons that can not be separated from everyday life. Not surprisingly, when the center's craft weapons scattered on the island of Madura.
Tersebutlah a small village called Peterongan. The village is situated in the District Galis, about 40 kilometers from Bangkalan. There, most of the population dependent as blacksmiths and sickle sickle maker. Their expertise is the legacy of their ancestors from hundreds of years ago.
Nothing wrong with it, when the village became famous. Understandably, sickles made the craftsmen in the village was known Peterongan sturdy and delicate workmanship. One of them is Salamun. That afternoon, the 54-year-old man met Sunarto envoy of a renowned martial arts dojos in District Kamal, Bangkalan.
Sunarto also asked Salamun working on sickle type blade of chicken feathers. For Salamun, making sickles are part of the breath of life. Celurit not simply be interpreted as a sharp object used to hurt people. However sickles are works of art that should be preserved from his ancestral heritage.
That morning, accompanied by his son Salamun buy scrap metal shop in the corner of the village Peterongan. Among the pile of iron, scrap metal Salamun choose the train tracks and jeeps as per former raw material to make sickles order Sunarto.
Iron was then taken to a choice smithy hers who was not far from his home page. Iron rod is then cleaved with forged many times to get the dial. After obtaining the desired slab, flat iron is then heated to a certain degree point.
Metal that has been burning it and then hammered repeatedly until the desired arced sickles. With the assistance of his three sons, Salamun make sickles hermitage silat order with full accuracy. Because he looked sickles should characterize a work of art. Not just a piece of wrought iron many times, it must have meaning and significance for those who have it.
Because of that, before working blade of sickles, Salamun normal fasting beforehand. In fact every year, precisely in Mawlid, Salamun small ritual in his workshop. According Salamun, this ritual with offerings of grilled chicken, rice and water flowers. Offerings is then prayed in the prayer room. Only after that, the water splashed floral cushions to forge iron. & QuotKalau there is a violation (annoying), he will get sick disaster, "said Salamun.
Until now, tombuk or bearing iron forge abstinence bypassed first occupied by people. Salamun pack expertise to make sickles can not be separated from parents and ancestors inherited his grandfather. Since childhood, he has been involved in creating the right sickles.
Salamun revealed, for working on a large sickles, it takes about two to four days. The price depends on the material and sickle motif size. Cheapest sickles removed at Rp 100,000.
Including productive men. Why not, has generated thousands of forged sickles Salamun. But now, Salamun more careful taking orders sickles. He reasoned, a lot of people who do not understand the philosophy of sickles. The lack of understanding has resulted in more sickles used for crime.
Conversely, those who understand, it certainly used sickles to be more careful. That opinion is justified. Because sickle is also interpreted as a symbol of chivalry. And, rather than to just snatch people.
In Madura, found many martial arts school that teaches how to use sickles. One of them Padepokan Pencak Silat Joko Tole, leader Hasanuddin Buchori. The college took the name of a knight Sumenep origin. Madura was then divided into two regions of the empire, namely Sumenep Madura in East and West Madura in Arosbaya Bangkalan. The relics of the kingdom of the West Madura is still visible in the site of ancient tombs in Arosbaya.
And these days, many college athletes to orbit the national martial art practiced routinely pass on the ideals and spirit of his ancestors, Joko Tole. Silat Padepokan Joko Tole has been quite famous among martial arts in the country. Especially in teaching the use of traditional weapons sickles.
Although only an inanimate object, use sickles have a variety of ways. It depends on the intention of wearer. Joko Tole in college, for example. Sickles are not just taught to knock out the opponent. However, a player must have parried with a clean mind based on religion.
Most people assume sickles can not be separated from carok tradition embraced by the majority of the Madurese. Unfortunately, until now, not a single researcher can explain the beginning of life carok be part Madurese. The light, ordinary carok basically done when a person feels humiliated and harassed her pride. Thus, the completion of which is honored by the knights duel one on one.
Background as it fights recognized Zawawi Imron. This humanist explains, there adigium Madura says: Compared with white eye nicer white bone. That is, rather than to live embarrassed rather die. In other words, when the Madura humiliated, so he did duel against retaliation by the insult it.
But in its development, meaning carok itself becomes unclear. Especially when linked with nyelep, which attack the enemy from behind or when the opponent is off guard. And, it is increasingly unclear when many cases of violence motivated by socio-economic.
So, to change the stereotypes, Madurese had to fight ignorance and backwardness. It's like a cultural longing once Madura Zawawi Imron poet in the poem titled sickles Gold: When the rainy season does not go down melabuh, kubasahi you with denyutku. If your breasts baked, kubajak you with horns logamku. At the top of the hill I turned my brain salt. Because I know, I'm the eldest son who at the same time your younger child. I dare to chase the waves. I flew hugging month. And pluck the stars of the branches of the spirit of my ancestors. Utter an oath in heaven soared. Madura, I am the blood.
Source : My Description
Crackers or snack crackers are made from tapioca flour batter mixed with flavoring ingredients such as shrimp or fish. Crackers made by steaming batter before thinly cut, dried in the sun and fried in cooking oil that much.
Textured crackers crisp and is often used as a complement to a variety of Indonesian food like fried rice and gado-gado.
Prawn crackers and fish crackers are the most common types of crackers found in Indonesia. Crackers priced aci like crackers or crackers mlarat just made from corn dough mixed with salt, food coloring, and MSG
Crackers are usually sold in a package that has not been fried. Fish cracker of species that are difficult to expand during frying are usually sold in the form of already fried.
Skin crackers or fish crackers that are difficult inflate need fried twice. Crackers should be fried first with low-temperature cooking oil before being transferred into the pan of hot cooking oil.
Skin crackers (crackers jangek) is crackers are not made of tapioca flour dough, but from cowhide or buffalo dried.
history of Crackers
It is said that the history of the chips taken from a true story about a poor family with many children. So to survive they are willing to eat rice with shredded (cassava shaved / shredded). Well,,,, start making shredded, the first cassava grated and then given water. after that, the grated cassava mixed water is squeezed and the juice is taken. then precipitated. The sediment then be dried and tapioca flour. then flour is processed into chips .
SEM microscope
Source : Dictionary Chemical and my description
Whether you just found out that EQ is more important than IQ?
Suppose there are two pinternya same person, but that one has more EQ - then surely people who successfully got the EQIs it EQ, IQ seems less popular with the more familiar ears.The IQ Intelligence Quotient while EQ is Emotionel Quotient.The IQ is a measure of one's potential to think, learn, understand, remember and consider something.While EQ is the ability to use the existing potential in him.IQ and EQ is actually equally important to the success of a person, but EQ is more fighting in someone's success.According to Daniel Goleman author Emotionel Intelligence, success is only 20%, the remaining 80% it is the role of EQ.According to Goleman despite high IQ is intelligent, react quickly and accurately, but if he could not control his emotion - aggressive - destructive and arrogant, then on the way into his career he tripped many many problems and not preferred by the surrounding.Conversely, if though he's not too smart, but has a good personality - people will definitely appreciate and respect our environment, superiors and subordinates certainly love, trust will often be submitted in person with a good personality.Can someone hone EQ?Actually everyone has EQ, but the level varies.EQ can be changed and can be learned and developed, how:ONE: Self-Control.Get to know yourself, including emotional / no, if you type the "vigorous", there are times when you need to relax and stop zeal and give opportunity to others.TWO: Self Motivation.Become a driving force of motivation, without motivation will not be a change in your EQ.THREE: Able to Communicate.Develop the ability to communicate - this is sure to make you able to be understood by others - and this can make your fabric of social relations, with subordinates, peers, superiors can happen easily.FOUR: Be sensitive to other people.Hone your ability to adapt to the environment-so you can understand other people's emotions and conditions.Not simply impose its will so that you can certainly be well received.We too be able to see that each person is different and the difference was only natural.So EQ affects the social life - also increase a person's career, a good thing to promote yourself.Duty and trust will be given to people who could be trusted, and who is able to utilize its potential and acceptable in every environment.Caprib (Personal Note):Half of human life is wasted before he did kesalahan2 and from there he can take advantage of a mistake in doing and fix it.(Jan Taylor)
Source : Book Secret 100 and my description
This eternal flame lit in Niagara Falls

Tucked in the area of Chestnut Ridge Park, New York, there is a small waterfall called the Eternal Flame Falls (or the Eternal Flame Falls).
This waterfall is called so because of the phenomenon that triggers the natural gas leak at the bottom of the falls. Fire is actually not really a "timeless" in the sense that it goes out every now and then if it is not turned on again.
When the fire dies, someone who visited the waterfall will turn it back. Chestnut Ridge Park has an area of approximately 1,213 hectares are used for hiking, biking, hiking, tennis courts, and picnic facilities and shelters.
Although it is located in the park, the waterfall away from the crowds, and can be directly accessed from the southern edge of the park. As you approach the falls, will smell the stench that menyegat directly in the nose.
Pleasant aroma that comes from the natural gas leak in the waterfall edge layer. This occurs because the gas produced during decomposition of organic matter in rock deposits are under pressure and pushed out through the cracks and loose layers in a stone structure.
One major gap is located right in the waterfall - in a small cave that is protected from water seepage and wind - allowing the fire continued to burn when ignited.
There are several other places around the gas leak waterfalls, one of which is located at the bottom of the pool - under the waterfall - which at first glance looks like the bubbles are rising from the bedrock beneath it.
Source : National Geographic and my description
Sickles/Celurit Madura Indonesia
Sickles can not be separated from people's daily lives Madura, East Java. Shaped curved blade which is so legendary. Since ancient times until now, almost everyone in the country knows the typical weapon of ethnic Madurese. Because of the popularity, sickles often identified with a variety of crimes. Even sickles are also used by the mob during the riots and demonstrations in the corners of the archipelago to frighten his opponent.
Perhaps, when I heard the word Madura, in the minds of most people would imagine a barren nature, face harsh and intimidating behavior. The impression seems to be true when it emerged that cases of violence using sickles with the main actors of the Madurese.
However not everyone knows the history and process of a sickle was made to known. In the place of origin, sickles at first just a sickle. Farmers also often use a sickle for cutting grass in the fields and make the fence. During its development, it was converted into a sickle martial tool used by ordinary people in the face of the enemy.
Similarly opinion of D. Zawawi Imron. Artists as well as cultural Madura said, the little people treat ordinary sharp sickles as weapons. In other words, it is not considered a weapon sickles magic.
Now, people are still looking at Madura sickles as weapons that can not be separated from everyday life. Not surprisingly, when the center's craft weapons scattered on the island of Madura.
Tersebutlah a small village called Peterongan. The village is situated in the District Galis, about 40 kilometers from Bangkalan. There, most of the population dependent as blacksmiths and sickle sickle maker. Their expertise is the legacy of their ancestors from hundreds of years ago.
Nothing wrong with it, when the village became famous. Understandably, sickles made the craftsmen in the village was known Peterongan sturdy and delicate workmanship. One of them is Salamun. That afternoon, the 54-year-old man met Sunarto envoy of a renowned martial arts dojos in District Kamal, Bangkalan.
Sunarto also asked Salamun working on sickle type blade of chicken feathers. For Salamun, making sickles are part of the breath of life. Celurit not simply be interpreted as a sharp object used to hurt people. However sickles are works of art that should be preserved from his ancestral heritage.
That morning, accompanied by his son Salamun buy scrap metal shop in the corner of the village Peterongan. Among the pile of iron, scrap metal Salamun choose the train tracks and jeeps as per former raw material to make sickles order Sunarto.
Iron was then taken to a choice smithy hers who was not far from his home page. Iron rod is then cleaved with forged many times to get the dial. After obtaining the desired slab, flat iron is then heated to a certain degree point.
Metal that has been burning it and then hammered repeatedly until the desired arced sickles. With the assistance of his three sons, Salamun make sickles hermitage silat order with full accuracy. Because he looked sickles should characterize a work of art. Not just a piece of wrought iron many times, it must have meaning and significance for those who have it.
Because of that, before working blade of sickles, Salamun normal fasting beforehand. In fact every year, precisely in Mawlid, Salamun small ritual in his workshop. According Salamun, this ritual with offerings of grilled chicken, rice and water flowers. Offerings is then prayed in the prayer room. Only after that, the water splashed floral cushions to forge iron. & QuotKalau there is a violation (annoying), he will get sick disaster, "said Salamun.
Until now, tombuk or bearing iron forge abstinence bypassed first occupied by people. Salamun pack expertise to make sickles can not be separated from parents and ancestors inherited his grandfather. Since childhood, he has been involved in creating the right sickles.
Salamun revealed, for working on a large sickles, it takes about two to four days. The price depends on the material and sickle motif size. Cheapest sickles removed at Rp 100,000.
Including productive men. Why not, has generated thousands of forged sickles Salamun. But now, Salamun more careful taking orders sickles. He reasoned, a lot of people who do not understand the philosophy of sickles. The lack of understanding has resulted in more sickles used for crime.
Conversely, those who understand, it certainly used sickles to be more careful. That opinion is justified. Because sickle is also interpreted as a symbol of chivalry. And, rather than to just snatch people.
In Madura, found many martial arts school that teaches how to use sickles. One of them Padepokan Pencak Silat Joko Tole, leader Hasanuddin Buchori. The college took the name of a knight Sumenep origin. Madura was then divided into two regions of the empire, namely Sumenep Madura in East and West Madura in Arosbaya Bangkalan. The relics of the kingdom of the West Madura is still visible in the site of ancient tombs in Arosbaya.
And these days, many college athletes to orbit the national martial art practiced routinely pass on the ideals and spirit of his ancestors, Joko Tole. Silat Padepokan Joko Tole has been quite famous among martial arts in the country. Especially in teaching the use of traditional weapons sickles.
Although only an inanimate object, use sickles have a variety of ways. It depends on the intention of wearer. Joko Tole in college, for example. Sickles are not just taught to knock out the opponent. However, a player must have parried with a clean mind based on religion.
Most people assume sickles can not be separated from carok tradition embraced by the majority of the Madurese. Unfortunately, until now, not a single researcher can explain the beginning of life carok be part Madurese. The light, ordinary carok basically done when a person feels humiliated and harassed her pride. Thus, the completion of which is honored by the knights duel one on one.
Background as it fights recognized Zawawi Imron. This humanist explains, there adigium Madura says: Compared with white eye nicer white bone. That is, rather than to live embarrassed rather die. In other words, when the Madura humiliated, so he did duel against retaliation by the insult it.
But in its development, meaning carok itself becomes unclear. Especially when linked with nyelep, which attack the enemy from behind or when the opponent is off guard. And, it is increasingly unclear when many cases of violence motivated by socio-economic.
So, to change the stereotypes, Madurese had to fight ignorance and backwardness. It's like a cultural longing once Madura Zawawi Imron poet in the poem titled sickles Gold: When the rainy season does not go down melabuh, kubasahi you with denyutku. If your breasts baked, kubajak you with horns logamku. At the top of the hill I turned my brain salt. Because I know, I'm the eldest son who at the same time your younger child. I dare to chase the waves. I flew hugging month. And pluck the stars of the branches of the spirit of my ancestors. Utter an oath in heaven soared. Madura, I am the blood.
Source : My Description
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